
Girl Thrive is the place where every growing girl can learn how much their body can do for them and how great it can feel to be fit and healthy. We wanted to create the program that we wish we had growing up when we wanted to start learning about what good nutrition was and how to train properly, both for results and to feel better about who we were. There’s access to a whole lot more information these days but unfortunately, it’s not always accurate and is often put across by unqualified people on social media that were genetically blessed with a good set of abs. Our girls deserve better than that. Our girls deserve to learn from a young age what good nutrition and exercise looks like from someone who has the qualifications and who cares that what they are doing is the right way to do it.

Our educators are Accredited Exercise Physiologists with Exercise and Sports Science Australia (www.essa.org.au) and/or Registered Nutritionists. They’ve worked with young girls from 5 years to 25 years, plus they’ve been young girls themselves! They want to teach our girls everything they know would have helped them when they were younger and take our future young women on a journey as they grow to becoming the best and healthiest version of themselves. Health, fitness and nutrition can seem overwhelming so let’s simplify it together. 

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